The Branded Belle Jackets

Denim ~ Pendleton ~ Fashion

Sip Coffee Co.

Locally owned drive thru coffee shop located in Newberg Oregon for the last 29 years!
Right off of 99W

the branded belle project

The Branded Belle Project offers a range of services and tools designed to help small businesses and creators stay current and relevant on social media. My plan is to work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and goals. It can be hard (and expensive) to hire a full time marketing team. My goal is to make high quality marketing materials attainable for small businesses.

Welcome to my slice of heaven

I’m Kelly nicknamed “Kel-Belle” by my friends 😉.

•I live in Oregon home to Pendleton Woolen Mills.

•My mom is my best friend and source for every stitch and creation. There’s nothing she can’t sew. Over the years she’s entertained my “ideas” aka un-patterned designs and helped me make them come to life.

•My husband is pretty much the best surprise of my life. Our story was written Above for sure.

•We have two boys Jack & Jesse. They have an 11 year age gap and we love it that way.

•In addition to The Branded Belle I own a coffee shop in town “Sip”. I’ve been slinging coffee since I was in college. I’m so blessed to have such a great group of girls working for me and somewhere to go that feels more like fun than work.

•My husband and I like to ride and rope when we can. He’s a world champion wild horse racer, but these days you can find us mostly at youth rodeos. My son, Jack, took my horse when I was pregnant and not roping … little thief! I’ll never get him back. 😂 They’re a great team, but now I’m horseless.

•My favorite food in the all the world is a peach right off the tree. We had a little peach orchard growing up and I’ll never be able to eat a store bought peach again.

•I have tried to keep about 25 jackets for myself, but have failed miserably. You all buy ‘em right off me! Don’t get me wrong I love it. I’m going to have to work on my collection though.

✨I have worked more than I have ever worked this year building this brand. I put my heart, soul, and many wee hours of the night into this business. It has been so rewarding. My favorite thing is to see our jackets on adventures with you guys! I saw so many at the Pendleton Round Up last week ☺️. I have to pinch myself!! The pictures you send me or tag me in are the best! Thank you all for being a part of this crazy journey.

If you made it through that whole bio you are a saint. Welcome! Thanks for following along and stay tuned because we have some pretty amazing plans for our Pendleton…

🌻Kel Belle

See all the fun by following me on Instagram